Friday, October 16, 2009

Superstitons Revealed

Have you ever wondered why people say it's bad luck to see a black cat? Or why it's SO dangerous to walk under a ladder? Well, I'm here to tell you!!

"One of the prevalent black cat superstition alive in our the western culture today is if a black cat crosses your path, it is considered bad luck. Interestingly, in most other cultures, the black cat is a prized possession & owning one is said to bring the owner good luck."

Source: WikiAnswers

For the black cat superstition, I couldn't find why it was created, but I thought this bit of info was interesting.

"As with many things that have become superstitions, it probably had its origin in common sense. People are usually doing something up a ladder that may harm you if you go under when they happen to drop something, either accidentally or deliberately. If a person is mending a broken roof or cleaning out a gutter of debris, they often may drop the bits down. People also paint up ladders. Ladders were also used to scale walls in military battles in times past and so there may be some connection, although the principle is the same. The defenders would use boiling oil, missiles such as rocks or other dangerous materials to deter the attackers.

The superstition may have been added as a kind of additional prohibition to encourage people not to do something unwise. No bad luck of any kind can come from walking under a ladder. Mess, inconvenience, or worse if you are silly enough to look up when the debris is falling, certainly can and has happened."

Source: WikiAnswers

I will find reasons behind more superstitions later. :-)

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